Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The framing looks great! The 2nd floor porch floor framing is complete. Today scaffolding will be brought to the site so they can start framing the high walls and the roof structure. Now that the 2nd floor porch is laid you can really get a feeling for the space in the kitchen/living areas. I'm so excited! I keep walking through the structure and imagining where all the furniture and fixtures will be. To be honest it reminds me a little of playing house as a kid and saying, "the kitchen's here & this is where you wash dishes, and this is where the couch goes..."

The large opening is looking through the living space into the kitchen

south wall L/R: guest room w/office above, dining room, living/kitchen area

Outdoor laundry area under the Master Bedroom, north of the guest room. To the east is the bathroom

South wall with Jesse and Rafe working hard

Rafe leaves this weekend so we're planning on having a little get together this Friday to celebrate the progress thus far and give him a nice send off. They probably won't be done with the roof yet but we might have an early topping out party so he can be here too. Come by if you're in the neighborhood!

Don't forget to leave us some comments.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing!
    Trinity, I know this isn't an underwater building, but this has to be SO EXCITING because this is what you become an architect for - to see your design become reality! And for both of you it has to be amazing to see all your hard work and collaboration becoming tangible. Wish I could stop by the party on Friday, but the darn CTA has not added a bus route yet that takes me to Austin from my house!
