Friday, January 21, 2011

Update for New Year

Hope everyone's holidays were great. Before I get into all the updates I'd like to take a second and say THANK YOU to all the hands that have helped on our project, especially Rafe and John for travelling to come and get this project off the ground. We honestly could not have gotten this far without all the advice, talent, and sweat of all of you, we are truly blessed with a wonderful community. Thank you!!

John left last Saturday after putting in 2 months of blood, sweat, and tears into our house. I can't begin to express how grateful we are to him for giving so much of his time and talent to our project. John and I have known eachother since we were 11 and this is the longest time we've spent together since highschool. Miracously we didn't fight once (barring a couple outbursts). Which is saying a lot since we know all of eachother's buttons.

Updates, We finally have the house pretty dried in. For awhile there the stress of impending rain could be cut with a knife. Neurotically checking the weather and late night sweeping to prevent puddling. But now the house wrap and tar paper are on, Horray! We're looking at a couple different metal roof distributors. Hopefully we'll get the roof and fascia, etc on soon and can then take a bit of a break from the BIG Push.

In other news my sister and her 11 month old son returned with me to Austin after the holidays. Babies and Jobsites!? I know it sounds crazy but besides some dirty clothes from crawling around it went very smoothly. Maceo is a fantastic baby and Ila wasn't shy about getting out there to help. They left yesterday, ending 2-1/2 months of house guests. It feels really good to be back to just the two of us, although I do miss having a witness to Jesse's antics.

Onto the photos...........

Jesse finishing the rake board. No worries, he's harnessed in.

Jesse contemplating some door options. Not to boast, but I think our doors are going to be awesome!

This is the house with all the rafters on. The 'fly away' roof, as Jesse likes to call it, is over the porch

Sunset photos. Looking from the office up to the porch.

Sunset photos. From porch down to the master bedroom (R) and office (L)

Roof Decking!!

This picture is from the roof looking into the porch.

Jesse securing the sheathing after cutting out the windows

Standing in the living room looking up at the office (L) and master bedroom (R) on the second floor. The guest room (L) and bathroom on the first floor (R)

Again from the office to porch but with all the wall sheathing and roof decking. The kitchen is below the porch.

East wall

Tar Paper and House Wrap!!!!!!!!

Sunset from the porch. You can see the outline of the Frost Tower in the distance.

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