Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Just a little vent about materials

As you know we're trying to make sure our house gets a 5 star rating from Austin Energy's Green Builiding program. It's sort of the Austin specific LEED. Well in order to be rated you have to have products that fits the guidelines and are energy efficient. This is great and right in line with our personal and professional design goals. The problem is we're on a tight budget and trying to use alternative materials. In most cases the material will meet the requirements but is not rated by a valid third party and so is not acceptable for the AEGB rating.

Specifically we've designed a covered east facing wall to be clad with translucent plastic panels. It has been so difficult to find a manufacturer that meets our criteria. I finally found a product, Kalwal, that would work perfect for our project but the price is exubernant because it's used on commercial projects. So it's back to the drawing board to either keep looking for a material that works or redesign the area to use a more traditional material. You would think there would have to be something! If any of you are entrepreneurs you should get in on this underserved market ASAP.

If anyone knows of an affordable product that offers translucent panels with a U-value of <.35 and a SHGC<.30 that is NFRC rated please let us know.

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